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Access Control
for Enterprises

Frictionless, secure and cost-effective 2FA access control solution for enterprises

The challenges of today's access control


Low-level of Security

Every year, employee's badges are lost, stolen, exchanged or even duplicated. How are you sure it is the right person who get in your premises? NFC/RFID badges expose a major vulnerability that is called "the device authentication fallacy" which assumes that, if the Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) certificate, device or dongle is authenticated, then the holder of the device is somehow also authenticated. This is a completely false logic!

High Operating Costs

In average, enteprises must count with a yearly renewal of 15% of their badges. Recent european statisitics indicated that large enterprises are assigning a yearly budget for physical access that represents 15 to 20% of their operating costs. 


Low Interoperability

In practice, door reader and system manufacturers offer low-levels of  interoperability, nor do they provide open Application Programmable Interfaces (APIs). Furthermore, some door readers have been certified by national agencies which prevent any software changes or updates.

The Unsolved Visitor Use Case

Managing visitors remains a manual process for a vast majority of enterprises. Typically, visitors must check in at the reception by presenting their ID card, indicating who they are visiting, signing off a form and getting an NFC/RFID badge. The process can take up to 15 minutes and is often totally unsecure. For example, 24-hour badges with printed QR may be returned in a simple box at the exit gate, which box can be accessed by anyone! 


Introducing Premier Access Pack ID

Premier Access Pack ID is a 2-factor authentication software solution that secures access control for enterprises, corporates and large organizations. The solution is first to bring 2-factor authentication based on dematerialized badges and 3D facial verification. The solution supports various hardware platforms and is interoperable with multiple door readers/systems without requiring a technician to wire a single cable. Premier Access Pack ID suits well for enterprises and large organizations who want addressing the needs of higher security, frictionless experience, data privacy & protection compliance and security cost savings.

How Premier Access Pack ID can help?


A frictionless experience

  • Easy and contactless for employees, partners and visitors

  • Authentication journey in 1 to 2 seconds

  • No imposed gestures such as smiling, zooming or blinking eyes

  • Works with all ethnical groups, independtly of lighting conditions

  • Various options such as Bluetooth, NFC/RFID badges or QR-codes



An entreprise-grade security

  • 2FA solution based on deterministic and probabilistic factors

  • 3D facial biometry technology 100% resilient to photo and video presentation attacks

  • Configurable False Match Error ranging from 1 error in 10'000 to 1 million

  • No biometric database, no authentication server: there's nothing to steal



A versatile architecture 

  • Multiple hardware options for the biometric kiosk (OS, display size, CPU ...) 

  • Autonomous biometric kiosk: zero cable wiring to door reader

  • Interoperable with various door readers including STID, FICHET, ELATEC, RFIDEAS ...

  • Enterprise mobile wallet application available on Android and iOS

  • Works with any legacy MDM tools (no proprietary administration software)



A cost-savy solution

  • Foster reducing the number of security agents

  • Eliminate plastic badges maintenance and renewal

  • Support various standard hardware, fostering reuse of legacy systems

  • Offer various licensing models, hardware and SLA included



A respectful solution

  • Compliant with strictest data privacy & protection laws

  • CNIL 2019_01 - article 7 - biometric template type 1

  • RGPD article 25

  • A low-energy solution that only consumes power when needed 



For a demo or 30-day FREE evaluation of Premier Enterprise Access, please contact us.
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